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contoh kalimat the cloud

"the cloud" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • It will be called the School in the Cloud.
    Ini akan disebut sebagai School in the Cloud (Sekolah di Awan).
  • The cloud must know it
    The cloud must know it
  • Well, not from the SIM card if it's damaged the way you say it is. Try the cloud.
    Tidak jika kartu SIM nya rusak coba The Cloud.
  • He finishes "The Cloud Atlas Sextet" and shoots himself before his lover Rufus Sixsmith arrives.
    Di sanalah ia menyelesaikan "The Cloud Atlas Sextet", namun bunuh diri tepat sebelum kekasihnya, Rufus Sixsmith, masuk ke kamarnya.
  • Residents are within steps to the fabulously designed Kemang Village Country Club, The Cloud Nine private club and the signature Heavenly Spa by Bill Bensley, the famed landscape architect and designer, named by Time Magazine, the King of Exotic Luxury…
    Penduduk berada dalam beberapa langkah ke Kemang Village Country Club yang dirancang luar biasa, klub pribadi The Cloud Nine dan Heavenly Spa oleh Bill Bensley, arsitek dan desainer lanskap terkenal, bernama oleh Time Magazine, Raja Mewah Eksotis…
  • Luxuriously silky smooth and feathery soft, these pure bamboo duvet cover are also hypoallergenic, breathable and antimicrobial, giving you the best night's sleep.The Cloud Pink Bamboo Duvet Cover Set will have you feeling like you are sleeping on a giant cotton candy ball.
    Lembut halus halus dan berbulu lembut, penutup selimut bambu murni ini juga hypoallergenic, bernapas dan antimikroba, memberi Anda tidur nyenyak. The Cloud Pink Bamboo Duvet Cover Set akan membuat Anda merasa seperti sedang tidur dengan bola permen kapas raksasa.